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Bali Hai Yacht Charters

Tours Port Vila

Phone: +678 7391740
Mobile: +678 77 88024


1/2 day , Full Day, Sunset Overnight or extended stay aboard cruises available. Licenced for 17 passenger day cruises or 5 overnight guests. We operate a lot out of Santo during the cruising season and specialize in the northern islands and Banks group.


Come aboard for an outer island sailing adventure. The Witchitit is owner built from Hawaii. She has sailed over 30,000 Pacific Ocean sea miles with 10 years experience sailing in Vanuatu waters. We have some magical cruises available to share with you.

For Bareboat and Sail enthusiasts - CHARTER THE WITCHITIT at a reduced rate and provision, crew and cook for yourselves! Captain would accompany charter on an advisory basis and has his own seperate cabin. Available for up to 5 adults.

Map & Directions

Port Vila Vanuatu
